Cooling an Ozone Generator and Its Importance

Cooling an Ozone Generator  

In the accompaniment of generating ozone, heat is present. Cooling is important to making a generator work properly, maintain efficiency, and loss of time or money. Ozone generators must be cooled.  Parts like the power supply unit and the generator vessel can be cooled by water or air. If cooled by air, cabinets or air-conditioning units must be used. If cooled by water, inlet water temperatures must be cooled by cooling towers or chillers.


Water cooling improves control over the temperatures of ozone. Mechanisms like thermostats can effective the input and output of temperature. Three types of water can be used to cool a system. They are closed loop systems with chillers, indirect or once through systems, and once through systems. In all three methods quality of water is important. If the water quality is inadequate, ozone can become corrosive and ruin the machine.

Air cooling while can be used, is not common in industrial applications. Production is dependent on ambient conditions of ozone generator.  Ambient air temperature is the outside temperature an ozone generator would take in. This mean an ozone generator would have to be in an air-conditioned room, or facility that is cooler than outside temperatures. Air cooled generators also need to be wary of air quality. As in water cooled generators, quality of elemental cooling is critical. Air needs to be filters and dried in order to avoid containments and machine wear.